Trauma Talks

is a 16-part series designed to educate prison residents about childhood trauma, showing them tools to help calm their nervous systems, reduce prison aggression, find resilience and become productive members of society upon their return.

Acknowledging and addressing our experiences of childhood trauma teaches us how these experiences can affect our emotions, behaviors, thoughts, relationships, stability, and health. This awareness helps lead to the cultivation of compassion for both ourselves and others.

Trauma Talks includes healing techniques and strategies to help increase our capacity to recover from the trauma we’ve experienced in life. It is designed to help us find pathways of vulnerability, accountability and forgiveness; for ourselves, the people who have hurt us and the people we have hurt.

Healing and transformation is possible. When people realize their inherent value and find ways to bring their talents and skills to the world, not only do the participants find transformation for themselves, they help others heal and transform, creating a ripple effect which has already begun in prisons in California, parts of the United States and around the world.

Trauma Talks helps people develop an understanding of trauma, so that it becomes easier to make more compassionate choices which positively affect our lives and the lives of those around us.

Trauma Talks

Trauma Talks is a 16-part series designed to educate prison residents about childhood trauma, showing them tools to help calm their nervous systems, reduce prison aggression, find resilience and become productive members of society upon their return.

Acknowledging and addressing our experiences of childhood trauma teaches us how these experiences can affect our emotions, behaviors, thoughts, relationships, stability, and health. This awareness helps lead to the cultivation of compassion for both ourselves and others.

Trauma Talks includes healing techniques and strategies to help increase our capacity to recover from the trauma we’ve experienced in life. It is designed to help us find pathways of vulnerability, accountability and forgiveness; for ourselves, the people who have hurt us and the people we have hurt.

Healing and transformation is possible. When people realize their inherent value and find ways to bring their talents and skills to the world, not only do the participants find transformation for themselves, they help others heal and transform, creating a ripple effect which has already begun in prisons in California, parts of the United States and around the world.

Trauma Talks helps people develop an understanding of trauma, so that it becomes easier to make more compassionate choices which positively affect our lives and the lives of those around us.

Trauma Talks Series

1: What is Trauma?
2: ACEs
3: Symptoms of Trauma
4: Wisdom of Trauma
5: Developmental Trauma
6: Attachment Theory
7: Traumatic Brain Injury
8: Violence
9: Accountability vs. Shame
10: Restorative Justice
11: Vulnerability
12: Forgiveness
13: Resilience
14: From Victimhood to Mastery
15: Authenticity, Discipline and Finding Purpose
16: Transformation and Wrap Up

Included in the videos are interviews with the top trauma experts and coaches in the world, roundtable discussions with returning community members, footage on addiction and incarceration, the critically acclaimed film The Wisdom of Trauma, CNN’s The Redemption Project, Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday as well as information on beginning the healing process.

Trauma Talks is changing lives around the world

Compassion Prison Project is expanding our life-changing program outside of California and into other states across the U.S. and countries around the world.

Former Surgeon General of California, Nadine Burke Harris joined us at Valley State Prison and participated in a day of healing, stating:

“Prisons are an ICU (intensive care unit) for trauma.”

What participants are saying…

International Representation

Trauma Talks is currently running outside the United States thanks to dedicated volunteers who have made this happen. We are currently running programs in:

  • New Zealand
  • Canada
  • Northern Ireland
  • Colombia

Help bring trauma education to your state

If you have a loved one in prison, work in prison or care about rehabilitation in prisons, encourage your state to institute Trauma Talks in their Department of Corrections. Tell them to contact the officials at their prison and have them reach out to us or contact us directly at

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