Take the ACE Quiz

The ACE Quiz starts the conversation about childhood trauma, but it is not intended to end the journey of awareness.

The 10 Adverse Childhood Experiences which appear on the official ACE Quiz include:

Portrait of an elderly incarcerated man wearing white bandana

How many ACEs do you have? Take the test below to find out. We encourage everyone to visit our Resources page for further information about ACEs and childhood trauma.

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Fritzi Horstman

Founder and Executive Director


Fritzi Horstman is the Founder and Executive Director of Compassion Prison Project. She is a Grammy-award winning producer for her work on “The Defiant Ones”, has been a producer and post-producer on dozens of television projects and documentaries and has directed several films. She believes it is urgent to bring humanity and compassion to those living behind bars and these acts will help transform our society. She has a Bachelor’s Degree from Vassar College.

Take the ACE Quiz