Snow Thorner

Trauma Circle Facilitator

Brief info

Caring deeply about social justice, Snow interned with School of Chimes, the Judicial system, the homeless and disadvantaged seniors. She is an avid teacher of Kundalini yoga and meditation. Snow did philanthropic work for CASA for Children. She holds a B.S. in Business from University of Maryland.

Within her Cherokee community, Snow completed 2 Visionquests and assisted 5 others
in completing theirs. As part of a 9 month solo backpacking tour through Afrika, Snow
represented One People, One Planet, One Future.

Snowflower is a trained Circle Leader and graduate of CTI Coaches Training Institute.
She led 100's of live and zoom circles in S.Afrika, Kenya, Canada and US.

With the California Arts Council, Thorner led an acclaimed 10 week program which
culminated in former inmates sharing in circle alongside Sheriff Jon Lopey, Judge Karen Dixon
and county administrators. Snow is proud to be an ambassador of Compassion Prison Project.

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