Week 4
Days 1 – 23 focus on Personal Change. Nonviolence begins by learning how to be less violent and more compassionate with ourselves. We learn by building courage to speak and act with respect, honor and reverence for our own being.
Days 24 – 47 focus on Interpersonal change. In order to create a peaceful world, we must learn to practice nonviolence with one another in our day-to-day interactions.
Day 22 ~ Mission ~ February 20th
Day 23 ~ Prayer ~ February 21st
Day 24 ~ Harmony ~ February 22nd
Day 25 ~ Friendliness ~ February 23rd
Day 26 ~ Respect ~ February 24th
Day 27 ~ Generosity ~ February 25th
Day 28 ~ Listening ~ February 26th

We invite you to keep a journal documenting your journey during the season of nonviolence. Your journal will help you reflect back on your personal discoveries and the actions you have taken toward practicing nonviolence in your life and in your community.